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How to Cure Alopecia Areata Naturally

In medical terms, baldness is referred to as Alopecia. Alopecia Areata is the medical term used to describe one type of baldness, where hair falls out for no seeming reason. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the symptoms can vary significantly. There are different types of alopecia areata. There could be random hairless patches on a person’s head or it may cause hair to fall out completely from all over the head. The hair loss could be diffuse all over the head or it may affect facial hair and even pubic hair. A person may lose hair, then grow it back only to lose hair again at some point in the future.

Alopecia areata is a condition that can cause severe psychological problems for the sufferer though their health and physical wellbeing may in no way be impacted. There could be a spontaneous reversal or remission of the condition; and no treatment can be said to be fully effective for treating it. Treatments for alopecia areata and their efficacy can vary very much – while there is anecdotal evidence to support the use of natural remedies for the condition, few studies have been able to categorically support non-medical treatments.

Natural remedies that could work for alopecia areata

A blend of essential oils is thought to work when used topically and applied directly on to the scalp. Daily massage of oils such as rosemary, cedarwood, thyme and lavender blended into an appropriate carrier oil was seen to help sufferers in one small study. Another possible alternative treatment for this type of hair loss is hypnosis – a small study examined the possible use of hypnosis for hair loss. The results were encouraging however this was a small study and not much reliance can be placed on it.


A small study also examined the possible use of onion juice for reversing hair loss. In this study men were seen to benefit more from the topical application of onion juice than were women. Stress can and does trigger hair fall, however it is not known how effective stress reduction could be for managing for alopecia areata.

Other solutions for managing alopecia areata

Some people opt for medical interventions involving minoxidil or corticosteroids. However even these have limited efficacy and the side effects can be very troublesome. So some people choose to come to terms with their condition and live with it, hiding a patchy or hairless scalp with the help of wigs, scarves, hats and other head coverings or even makeup.

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